Thursday, February 07, 2008

Put the Consipracy Theory Down and Walk Slowly Away From Your Computer...

Hey team. Just to counterbalance my previous comment on the possibility of something fishy going on with the communication cables being cut, here's another take on what could be happening over in the Mid-East. I am still leaning towards malfeasance of some kind but I think this is a pretty even-handed look of what's going on over there. From Wired.

"As a security guy, I'm paranoid, but I don't understand the threat model here. On the other hand, four accidental failures in a week is a bit hard to swallow, too. Let's hope there will be close, open examination of the failed parts of the cables."

My favorite among the comments:
"I really don't care what they find when they pull those cables up... long as it isn't bite marks."


SpaceMonkeyMojo said...

Oh, and how do I edit my posts again? Would love to correct my spelling error/typo in the headline...

Jake of All Trades said...

Log into Blogger and you should see a "manage posts" link, or if you're already logged in there should be a little pencil symbol at the bottom of the post you want to edit.